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    Informasi Kontak
    Essex surgical, LLC
    776 Northfield Dalan Gedhe
    Kulon Oranye, NJ 07052
    P: (973) 324-0400
    Lan: info@essexsurgicalnj.com

    Kulon Oranye, NJ
PANGGILAN: (973) 324-0400
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Utomo surgery

Learn more about spine surgery at Essex Surgical.

New Jersey Spine Surgery

Spinal problems are most widespread and debilitating medical conditions causing pain, restricting mobility, and degrading quality of life. Our renowned spinal surgeons at ES perform advanced procedures using minimally invasive back surgery techniques, new imaging technology, microsurgery, and other therapeutic breakthroughs to expand the treatment options for our patients.

Essex Surgical is dedicated to being one of the leading ambulatory surgery centers for the advanced treatment of spinal problems. Our surgeons perform cervical and lumbar discectomies and fusions as well as laminectomies, kyphoplasties, and sacroiliac surgery. Ing Essex surgical, our surgeons and staff provide the best possible spinal care tailored to the needs of each individual patient.

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