ПОЗОВИТЕ: (973) 324-0400
8:00 САМ - 8:00 ПОСЛЕ ПОДНЕ

Џорџ Пек, М.Д.

Learn more about Dr. Џорџ Пек.

Џорџ Пек, М.Д.

(973) 324-2300

Пластиц Сургери

Канцеларија Адреса:
776 Нортхфиелд Авенуе
Вест Оранге, Њ 07052

  • Посетите сајт
  • Plastic and reconstructive surgery requires a surgeon to combine state-of-the-art surgical techniques with artful creativity. Др. Peck offers not only his experience and expertise, but provides innovative cosmetic procedures resulting in anaturally enhanced appearance”.

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