• हमसे संपर्क करें
    संपर्क जानकारी
    एसेक्स सर्जिकल, एलएलसी
    776 नॉर्थफिल्ड एवेन्यू
    पश्चिम ऑरेंज, न्यू जर्सी 07052
    पी: (973) 324-0400
    और: info@essexsurgicalnj.com

    पश्चिम ऑरेंज, न्यू जर्सी
कॉल: (973) 324-0400
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

<एक शीर्षक = "कोर तत्त्वज्ञान" href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=mr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.co.in&sl=hi&u=http://www.essexsurgicalnj.com/hi/about/core-philosophy/&usg=ALkJrhhdN5UgooX525dGLxE8EobuaoD0kQ">कोर

Our core philosophy.

Our Core Philosophy

  • To enhance the quality of life and health status of the communities we serve.
  • To provide services in a convenient, friendly, and caring environment.
  • To be cost effective in our delivery of services.
  • To be a leader in the fields of our core competencies.
  • To provide ongoing evaluation and improvement of quality of care.
  • To foster an educational and supportive environment which attracts and retains competent and caring health care professionals.
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© 2013 एसेक्स सर्जिकल, एलएलसी. सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित.
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